Я всегда много слушала музыку. Когда мы стали играть в интеллектуальные игры, я поняла что я слушаю дейсвительно много всего и очень разного. Нет, я конечно признаю что это скорее поп музыка. Но я и не претендую на звание эстета.
А для того что бы себя как то мотивировать писать каждый день (надо же бросить себе вызов), буду писать о музыке. Постараюсь не только выбирать песню по заданой теме, но и написать хотя бы пару строк о ней.
Темы под катом.
боже дай мне сил
365 Day Song Challenge
Day 1: Your favorite song today:
Day 2: A song that reminds you of summer:
Day 3: A song you listened to as a kid, that you thought made you cool. Real Cool:
Day 4: A song you like from a movie soundtrack:
Day 5: A song that you quote to people:
Day 6: A song from an Artist you discovered from a TV show:
Day 7: A song that wrenches your heart out from sadness.
Day 8: Your least favorite song from your favorite band.
Day 9: A song that if someone said they liked it, you would like them a little bit more:
Day 10. A song from a band that you think should be more popular:
Day 11. A song you indulge in shameless self pity to:
Day 12. A song you play when your getting ready to get your confidence up:
Day 13.A song that reminds you of a past love:
Day 14. A song you like that’s instrumental only:
Day 15. A song your parents played on road trips when you were young:
Day 16. A song you have seen performed live:
Day 17. A song you remember dancing in public to:
Day 18. A song you would consider part of the “soundtrack” of your life:
Day 19. A song that you love from a band that has since broken up:
Day 20. A song you know most or part of the choreography to:
Day 21. A song from a band or artist (member(s) alive) would love to see perform in person:
Day 22. A song from a band or artists (member(s) decease )you would have loved to have seen:
Day 23. Song from a band or artist that you have met in person:
Day 24. The last new song that you heard that you really liked:
Day 25. Worst song you have ever seen performed live:
Day 26. One of the top songs that was released the year you were born:
Day 27. A song you like to blast on your car stereo when it comes on:
Day 28. A song you change the words to when you sing it:
Day 29. A song that describes a friendship:
Day 30. A song from a band/artist that you are planning to see in the next 6 months:
Day 31. Your class song (or what you want your class song to be).
Day 32. A song that plays to your inner hopeless-romantic.
Day 33. A song that you can’t even think of without it getting stuck in your head.
Day 34. A song that you try to get stuck in your head to replace the one that’s currently stuck there.
Day 35. Your favorite cover song.
Day 36. Your least favorite cover song.
Day 37. An essential karaoke song.
Day 38. A song that you sing really well.
Day 39. A song that you wish you could sing really well.
Day 40. Your favorite song from the 50’s.
Day 41. Your favorite song from the 60’s.
Day 42. Your favorite song from the 70’s.
Day 43. Your favorite song from the 80’s.
Day 44. Your favorite song from the 90’s.
Day 45. Your favorite song from the 00’s.
Day 46. Your favorite song of this year.
Day 47. The oldest song you own.
Day 48. A song that you wish you could’ve written.
Day 49. Your favorite TV show theme song.
Day 50. A song that you’ve listened to for years & have just recently begun to appreciate.
Day 51. A song that you realized you’ve been mishearing the lyrics for years.
Day 52. A song that you’ve been listening to for years & you still don’t know what the heck they’re saying.
Day 53. The song that you’re most proud of knowing all the words to.
Day 54. The song that got you hooked on your favorite band/artist.
Day 55. A song you’ve listened to so many times that you just can’t listen to it anymore.
Day 56. A song that is insanely simple/repetitive, but that you consider awesome anyway.
Day 57. Your favorite song from your favorite genre.
Day 58. Your therapist in a song.
Day 59. A song whose lyrics you take advice from.
Day 60. Your favorite movie-moment song.
Day 61. A song that you like to sing in the shower:
Day 62. Your favorite song by a singer turned actor:
Day 63: Your favorite duet:
Day 64: Your favorite song featured in a musical:
Day 65: Your favorite song by a actor turned singer:
Day 66: A song you like to clean the house to:
Day 67: Your least favorite song by a singer turned actor:
Day 68: A song you have requested to be played on the radio:
Day 69: Your least favorite song by an actor turned singer:
Day 70: A song that you wish someone would cover:
Day 71: A song that gives you a headache:
Day 72: A song that you love that you first heard on a mixed CD made for you:
Day 73: A song someone has said reminds them of you:
Day 74: A song from a band that you wish you could hang out with:
Day 75: The song that you most recently downloaded:
Day 76. Your favorite song beginning with the letter A
Day 77: Part A - someone you wish would sing a duet with Part B
Day 78: Part B - someone you wish would sing a duet with Part A
Day 79. A song that makes you think of the color blue:
Day 80: Your favorite band beginning with the letter A
Day 81: A song you like with Monday in the title:
Day 82: A song you would dedicate to the boy/girl you have a crush on:
Day 83: A song you would/have dance(d) with a parent to, at your wedding:
Day 84: A song that you like that’s in a language you don’t know:
Day 85: A song that you always put on a new mixed CD you make for everyone:
Day 86: A song that you like by a band you suspect is going to break up:
Day 87: A song you play when someone breaks up with you:
Day 88: A song that you like that’s from a different culture:
Day 89: A song that you love to work-out to:
Day 90: A song that describes your work angst:
Day 91: A song you like to sing to babies:
Day 92: A song you play when you can’t sleep:
Day 93: A song you play when you break someone’s heart:
Day 94: Your favorite song that features the use of a harmonica:
Day 95: Your favorite song that starts with the letter “B”
Day 96: A song that makes you think about stars and the universe:
Day 97: Your favorite classical song:
Day 98: Your favorite song that you remember from a kid’s show:
Day 99: A song that you like in part, because the title is so good:
Day 100: A song from the last CD mix you made someone:
Day 101: A song from a singer that your friends have met, and that makes you jealous:
Day 102: A song by a female singer you think does not have a very good voice:
Day 103: Your favorite Disney movie song:
Day 104: A song that reminds you of the ocean:
Day 105: A song that reminds you of something you regret:
Day 106: A song you have to change right away if it comes on the radio:
Day 107: A song that reminds you of one of your parents:
Day 108: A song that has a lyric, that if you were one of those people that tattooed song lyrics on themselves, you would seriously consider:
Day 109: A song you like from someone you consider a one hit wonder:
Day 110: Your least favorite song from someone you consider a one hit wonder:
Day 111: A song from your all time favorite American Idol contestant:
Day 112: A song from your all time least favorite American Idol contestant:
Day 113: A song that you would put on the soundtrack of a romantic comedy:
Day 114: A song that you would put on the soundtrack of a psychological thriller:
Day 115: A song by a male singer you think does not have a very good voice:
Day 116: A song by a lead singer you think is too handsome/beautiful for words:
Day 117: A song by a lead singer you think is too homely for words:
Day 118: A song with your name in it (middle names count if your first name is like Brunhilde or something):
Day 119: Your favorite song by a band or singer whose name starts with the letter B
Day 120: A song you like by a band whose name you don’t:
Day 121. Your favorite song from a genre you don’t typically like.
Day 122. A song by your favorite female vocalist.
Day 123. A song by your favorite male vocalist.
Day 124. The song that was sung in your favorite music video.
Day 125. A song you thought was about you.
Day 126. A love song you would want to be serenaded with.
Day 127. The most obscure song by The Beatles that you can think of.
Day 128. Your least favorite duet.
Day 129. A song that captures your hometown.
Day 130. A song that reminds you of your best friend.
Day 131. A song that captures your alter-ego.
Day 132. A song that you would use to torture someone for information.
Day 133. A song that you feel is highly overrated.
Day 134. A song that you feel is greatly under-appreciated.
Day 135. A song that you would love to get a random crowd of people to sing along with.
Day 136. A song that you would start a flash mob with.
Day 137. Your favorite parody song.
Day 138. A parody that you consider to be better than the original.
Day 139. A song that sums up your outlook on life.
Day 140. A song that you would use to cheer up a friend.
Day 141. A song that features your favorite bass solo.
Day 142. A song that features your favorite guitar solo.
Day 143. A song that features your favorite drum solo.
Day 144. A song that features your favorite keyboard solo.
Day 145. A song that features an unusual instrument.
Day 146. A song with great vocal harmonies.
Day 147. A song that you love but for some reason don’t own.
Day 148. A song you would use to tell someone you were completely in love with how you felt.
Day 149. A song by your favorite classical composer.
Day 150. A song by your favorite contemporary composer.
Day 151. A song that you consider to be one of the most beautiful you have ever heard.
Day 152. A song from your favorite original film score.
Day 153. A song that features your favorite wind instrument.
Day 154. A song that features your favorite stringed instrument.
Day 155. A song that you would use for a video montage of you & your friends.
Day 156. A song that to dance to only requires jumping.
Day 157. A song that puts your in a thoughtful mood.
Day 158. A song that describes your sense of humor.
Day 159. A song that blew your mind when you first heard it.
Day 160. A song that you would use as an apology.
Day 161. A song with Tuesday in the title.
Day 162. It’s Laura’s Day. You may not know her, but she was the first one who discovered we were missing song #162. So dedicate a random song to Laura, and have fun with it, make up a story, the more creative and fictitious the better : )
Day 163. A song that you like to wake up to in the morning.
Day 164. A song that made you cry when you first heard it.
Day 165. A song that you loved as a kid & continue to now even though it might not be considered “mature”.
Day 166. A song that helps you unwind at the end of the day.
Day 167. A song that brings out your crazy side.
Day 168. An epic song from an epic movie.
Day 169. A song that gives you chills whenever you hear it.
Day 170. A song from a band/artist that you are currently obsessed with.
Day 171. A song that makes you want to go for a drive down a country road.
Day 172. A song that makes you feel like flying.
Day 173. A song with Wednesday in the title.
Day 174. A song that reminds you of summer vacation.
Day 175. A song that reminds you of high school.
Day 176. The theme song from your favorite movie.
Day 177. A song that reminds you of your favorite book.
Day 178. A song that was super popular when you were in high school.
Day 179. A song that makes you think of the color red.
Day 180. A song with Thursday in the title.
Day 181. I song that makes you want to be a better person:
Day 182: A song you like that starts with the letter “C”:
Day 183: A song that makes you think of money:
Day 184: A song from the CD/MP3 mix that’s currently in your car:
Day 185: When you set your MP3 player to random/shuffle the first song that comes up:
Day 186: A song that reminds you of shoes.
Day 187: A song from a band that starts with the letter “C” that you like:
Day 188: A song with numbers in it:
Day 189: A song that you think is sexy:
Day 190: A song you like from a televised musical:
Day 191: A song you like where actors sing in the movie:
Day 192: A song you like from a singer that is bald:
Day 193: A song from a singer you think looks creepy:
Day 194: A song that mentions your eye color in it:
Day 195: A song you like that’s A Capella (no music, just voices):
Day 196: A song that has been your ringtone:
Day 197: A song whose lyrics you have used as a Facebook status update:
Day 198: A song you would play at a swanky dinner party:
Day 199: A song that mentions rain:
Day 200: A song from a singer that you think most resembles you:
Day 201: A song that features the use of a choir or kid singers:
Day 202: A song that reminds you of a friend you had a falling out with:
Day 203: A song from a Bollywood movie:
Day 204: A song that gives you a sense of wanderlust:
Day 205: A song you like that starts with the letter D:
Day 206: A song you like from a band that starts with the letter D:
Day 207: A song by someone you would classify as “smarmy”:
Day 208: A song you like thats very girl power:
Day 209: A song by a man with very womanly hair:
Day 210: Another song by a singer turned actor:
Day 211: Your favorite Cat Stevens song:
Day 212: A song by a band you think has been most influential to music from the 1970’s
Day 213: A song you like that starts with the letter “E”:
Day 214: A song they seem to always play at weddings, that you wish they wouldn’t:
Day 215: A song you like by a band that has at least 2 members that are related:
Day 216: A song you like, by someone who lives in the same state:
Day 217: A song that one of your favorite authors likes:
Day 218: A song you like that has the word “fire” in it:
Day 219: A band you started listening to, because their name sounded so interesting:
Day 220: A song from a band whose name starts with the letter “E”
Day 221: A song you have seen a street musician play:
Day 222: A song that makes you think of Autumn:
Day 223: A song you have named a pet/car/object/child after - or would:
Day 224: A song you like by a singer with red hair:
Day 225: A song you really like but keep procrastinating looking up the rest of the album:
Day 226: The theme song from one of your favorite childhood movies:
Day 227: A song you like that mentions a State in it:
Day 228: A song you like that starts with the letter “F”
Day 229: A song you like that mentions another country in it:
Day 230: A song by someone you have watched a documentary about:
Day 231: A song you like from a band that starts with the letter “F”
Day 232: Another random song from your MP3 Player on shuffle:
Day 233: A song that you would use at an audition:
Day 234: A song you like, from someone you don’t like when you see them interviewed:
Day 235: A song with a word, term or phrase that doesn’t make sense:
Day 236: An old song that’s stood the test of time:
Day 237: A song from a female singer you think is whiny and annoying:
Day 238: A song by a male singer you think is whiny and annoying:
Day 239: A song that makes you feel a little reckless:
Day 240: A song you heard that you spent hours trying to find out what it was:
Day 241: The last song you’ve heard that you really liked:
Day 242: The song that comes up when you go to youtube and type in your name + song:
Day 243: A song the has a murder or mystery in it:
Day 244: A song you like by a musician that only goes by one name:
Day 245: A song by someone who has a band name, even though it’s just one person:
Day 246: A song you like that has the lead singer “and the” backup singers:
Day 247: A song you like with the word “write” in it:
Day 248: A song by a band that’s been together over 20 years:
Day 249: A song you like that has clips from a computer generated voice:
Day 250: A song from a TV show whose reruns you grew up watching:
Day 251: A song you like that starts with the letter G:
Day 252: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a momentous first kiss:
Day 253: A song you would use in an afterschool special:
Day 254: A song you like that features the use of a harpsichord:
Day 255: Your favorite song by Madonna:
Day 256: A song by a band you like that starts with the letter G:
Day 257: Your favorite rap song:
Day 258: The longest song that you like:
Day 259: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a murder:
Day 260: A song with a title that you think would make for a good movie title:
Day 261: A song that reminds you of a grandparent:
Day 262: A song you like that starts with the letter E:
Day 263: A song that reminds you of the color yellow:
Day 264: A song you like that starts with the letter H:
Day 265: Another random song from your MP3 player:
Day 266: A song you play or would play while taking a bath:
Day 267: A song from a band you like that starts with the letter H:
Day 268: Your favorite heavy metal song:
Day 269: A song you like by someone who was in the Mickey Mouse Club:
Day 270: A song you would play to get your groove on:
Day 271: A song you consider a guilty pleasure:
Day 272: A song you like that starts with the letter I:
Day 273: A song that makes you think of night time:
Day 274: A song you like by a band that starts with “THE”:
Day 275: A song you think has too many covers:
Day 276: A song you like that’s been sampled into another song:
Day 277: A song you like, by a singer/band that you don’t:
Day 278: A song that preys on your worst fears:
Day 279: A song you like by a band that starts with the letter I:
Day 280: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a betrayal:
Day 281: A song you would try and sing at a talent show:
Day 282: Your favorite Country song:
Day 283: A song by a singer you respect as a person:
Day 284: A song you like by a singer that died before their time:
Day 285: A song you like by a band that’s named after a place:
Day 286: A song you like that starts with the letter J:
Day 287: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a funeral procession:
Day 288: A song you like that you think has a dreamlike quality:
Day 289: A song you like by a fictitious TV or movie musician:
Day 290: A song you like by a band whose name starts with the letter J:
Day 291: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a chase scene:
Day 292: A song you like from a concert that you have been to:
Day 293: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a fight:
Day 294: A song you like that starts with the letter K:
Day 295: A song you like by a band that’s named after an animal:
Day 296:A song you like by a band that starts with the letter K:
Day 297: A song you like that starts with the letter L:
Day 298: A song you like by a band that starts with the letter L:
Day 299: If you were a DJ - the first song you would play on your first day on the job:
Day 300: A song you like by a band that’s name after an action (i.e. pushing, breaking, rolling, dancing):
Day 301: A song you like that begins with the letter M:
Day 302: A song you like that you think should be used in a ballet performance:
Day 303: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a scene where someone pushes past pain to reach a goal:
Day 304: If you started your own record company, a song from a band you wish you could sign:
Day 305: A song you like from a band that begins with the letter M:
Day 306: A song you like by a band/artist that came from another famous band.
Day 307: A song you like that begins with the letter N:
Day 308: A song you like from a band that begins with the letter N:
Day 309: The last song you heard that you really liked:
Day 310: A song they play on the easy listening stations that you hate:
Day 311: A song by a musician you think changed musical history:
Day 312: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a scene where someone holds their newborn baby:
Day 313: A song you like that begins with the letter O:
Day 314: A song you like from a band that beings with the letter O:
Day 315: A song from a musician whose Twitter or Facebook updates you subscribe to:
Day 316: A song from a musician you think is a poser:
Day 317: A song you like that begins with the letter P:
Day 318: A song you from a band that begins with the letter P:
Day 319: A song you would play to get a dance party started:
Day 320:A song from a band you think has sold out:
Day 321: A song you like that begins with the letter R:
Day 322: A song from a musician you would like to see a movie or documentary made about:
Day 323: A song you like from a band that begins with the letter R:
Day 324: A song you like that mentions alcohol in the lyrics:
Day 325: A song you like that begins with the letter S:
Day 326: A song you like from a band that begins with the letter S:
Day 327: A song you like from a band you have/have had a T-shirt for:
Day 328: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a scene where someone is searching for someone:
Day 329: A song you like that begins with the letter T:
Day 330: A song you like from a band that begins with the letter T:
Day 331: A song you like that begins with the letter U:
Day 332: A song from a band you like that beings with the letter U:
Day 333: A song from the 50’s that you think should be sampled or covered:
Day 334: A song from the 60’s that you think should be sampled or covered:
Day 335: A song from the 70’s that you think should be sampled or covered:
Day 336: A song from the 80’s that you think should be sampled or covered:
Day 337: A song from the 90’s that you think should be sampled or covered:
Day 338: A song from the 00’s that you think should be sampled or covered:
Day 339: A song you like from a game:
Day 340: A song you like that begins with the letter V:
Day 341: A song you like from a band that begins with the letter V:
Day 342: A song you would use in a soundtrack as the underdogs theme song:
Day 343: A song you like that begins with the letter W:
Day 344: A song you like from a band that begins with the letter W:
Day 345: A random song from your MP3 player:
Day 346: The song you think you have played over and over and over the most in your life:
Day 347: A song you would use in a soundtrack for a couples first dance:
Day 348: A song you think they should use for one of the depressingly sad Humane Society commercials:
Day 349: A song you like that begins with the letter Y:
Day 350: A song you like from a band that begins with the letter Y:
Day 351: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with a swordfight:
Day 352: A song you like from a band that has a color in the title:
Day 353: A song you like that begins with the letter Z:
Day 354: A song you wish you could play to tell everyone to leave you alone:
Day 355: A song that is a song that has special meaning to you and your friends only:
Day 356: A song you would use in a soundtrack to go with runaways making a break for it:
Day 357: A song you like from a band that begins with the letter Z:
Day 358: A song by an artist you think is an amazing dancer:
Day 359: A song you think has the best screaming in it:
Day 360: A song that makes you think of a windy day:
Day 361: A song that describes how incredibly freaking awesome that you are:
Day 362: A song that you think sums up this past year:
Day 363: A song that sums up a big event that happened to you in the last year:
Day 364: A song that you first heard from doing this challenge:
Day 365: A song to say goodbye:
Я всегда много слушала музыку. Когда мы стали играть в интеллектуальные игры, я поняла что я слушаю дейсвительно много всего и очень разного. Нет, я конечно признаю что это скорее поп музыка. Но я и не претендую на звание эстета.
А для того что бы себя как то мотивировать писать каждый день (надо же бросить себе вызов), буду писать о музыке. Постараюсь не только выбирать песню по заданой теме, но и написать хотя бы пару строк о ней.
Темы под катом.
боже дай мне сил
365 Day Song Challenge
А для того что бы себя как то мотивировать писать каждый день (надо же бросить себе вызов), буду писать о музыке. Постараюсь не только выбирать песню по заданой теме, но и написать хотя бы пару строк о ней.
Темы под катом.
боже дай мне сил
365 Day Song Challenge